The Ultimate 2022 Ecommerce Holiday Calendar

The Ultimate 2022 Ecommerce Holiday Calendar

Gone are the days when spending events were just about the next big holiday. With competition so tight, you have to target holidays and events throughout the year to successfully grow your online business.

To save you some time, we put together an ecommerce holiday calendar with a quick summary of dates and holidays to make 2022 your most profitable year yet. On top of that, you also get a printable calendar as well as an editable Google Calendar to mark your ecommerce holidays as you please. Pick your holidays and spending events but also remember to plan them accordingly; here are some tips on how to create a marketing calendar.

In retail and ecommerce, every day is a celebration: from National Pizza Day in February, to International Coffee Day in October. But with so many occasions to mark, it’s important to understand which of these exciting days and events are relevant to your business.

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